How Can Southport Businesses Prepare for the Looming Brexit Vote?

19th January 2019

It is certainly clear that the so-called “streamlined” Brexit plan has fallen ell short of its initial expectations. In the latest round of talks, Theresa May and her administration are far from clear in regards to several concerns. Not only are certain issues such as the potential hard border with Northern Ireland proving to be quite contentious, but there is still no guarantee that EU leaders will agree with what has already been laid out in her proposals (1). This is an obvious concern in regards to international trade and commerce. However, it also has many local Southport businesses concerned. What effects might the Brexit have upon their revenue generation? Will their international client base be adversely impacted? Although these and other questions are still yet to be answered, many astute owners are already planning ahead by focusing their efforts towards the online marketplace. What advantages will this approach offer and are there any top-notch international ecommerce solutions currently available? 

Allaying Brexit Woes 

The main concern facing the majority of business owners is simply a fear of the unknown. The results of the Brexit are far from predictable and while most analysts feel that the impacts will be rather muted for local firms, the fact of the matter is that no one is entirely certain. This notion of not being able to sense what is around the looming economic corner has many entrepreneurs worried. 

However, the Internet provides a much more secure buffer. Businesses can market to an incredibly wide audience and traditional issues such as geographic limitations are all but ablated. We have already witnessed this migration gain pace throughout 2018 and 2019 should exhibit even further momentum. The main intention is to supersede any potential volatility by broadening one’s current client base; perhaps beginning to sell to a truly international marketplace. As a result, any local economic downturns are less likely to adversely impact the operations of Southport businesses. 

What Avenues are Available? 

Many locally based firms do not have the luxury of possessing a full-time IT staff. This may be perceived as a slight disadvantage, as how can they enter into the global marketplace with limited resources? The answer to this question lies within the technological innovations associated with modern e-commerce platforms. 

International sales and marketing solutions are based around the notion of providing centralised and user-friendly tools to businesses of all sizes. Other unique features such as multi-channel publicity campaigns, gateways to to address international clients, responsive website design, and around-the-clock customer support are all offered as standard amenities. Perhaps more importantly, these portals are associated with flexible pricing plans. Even firms operating within financial constraints should be able to leverage their tools. 

Although it is unlikely that the Brexit will spell doom and gloom for the UK economy, many business owners are still choosing to plan for any unforeseen eventualities with the help of modern e-commerce solutions. It will indeed be interesting to witness the outcome of this historic trade situation. 

