Credit file has a significant role in your financial life. Without having a clean credit file, you would not be able to get a loan. A high credit score reflects a good credit file and increases your chances of doing business. On the other hand, if you have a low credit score, it will be difficult for a lender to involve you in any sort of business. If someone fails to pay the debt off, a CCJ is issued to them. In this way, a creditor can legally force them to pay the debt. However, CCJ removal can be ensured. In this topic, we will discuss what measures should be taken to remove a CCJ from your credible file.
Pay a CCJ in a Month
A CCJ appears on the credit file after a few days of notice. However, you can write it off from the register of orders, judgments, and fines, if you take immediate action and pay the debt within a month. If you pay the debt within this time frame and the court gets notified about the situation, it will be like, if the CCJ was never mentioned on the register of orders, judgments, and fines. It is the moral obligation for the creditor, once he has been paid with the debt to inform the court. Because until the court gets notified about the situation, a CCJ won’t write off your credit file. Therefore, you can ask your creditor to notify the court when he has been paid the debt. In this way, it will get written off from the register.
Certificate of Satisfaction
If you pay the debt after a month, it won’t be written off from the credit file. However, you will get a certificate of satisfaction. The certificate allows the lenders to know that whatever debt you had, you paid it off. Country Court Judgment is satisfied when you pay the debt. In this way, they will be able to provide you with a loan. Unpaid CCJ shows dissatisfaction, and you won’t get a loan in this situation.
Remove it Automatically
The register of orders, judgments, and fines have every detail on it. It also notes the details of a CCJ from the next six years from the date of the Judgment. After this period of six years, the Country Court Judgment will be removed from the register automatically. That means the CCJ gets removed from your credit file, after this duration. After six years, the creditor won’t be able to enforce it, even if you don’t pay it. If CCJ is on the register for a while, then waiting is your best shot. However, in the case of a recent Country Court Judgment, it’s your call if you want to drag it to six years or pay it within a month.
Default Judgement
You can set aside a CCJ when there is a default judgment. Setting aside CCJ would automatically remove it from the register. For instance, if you claim that a CCJ was sent to the wrong address and you didn’t receive it on time or didn’t get the opportunity to pay. If you can defend the claim, then you can have a CCJ set aside. It’s important to take immediate actions, once you get the Judgment so that you can give in your best to remove it from your credit file.
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