Photo: Councillor Tony Dawson
There is pressure from councillors, parents and students for a public meeting to be held very shortly to address outstanding concerns about KGV College. This follows a second visit from Ofsted inspectors and another critical report.
Councillor Iain Brodie Browne, leader of the Council’s Lib Dem group, says:
We have been hearing grossly-conflicting reports about crucial issues concerning the departure of key senior staff members. On the one hand, letters have gone out from the college saying that these staff have left voluntarily in the middle of an academic year, apparently abandoning their 6th formers. And, on the other hand, we have several parents telling us that college managers have told them that Ofsted inspectors insisted on these particular staff leaving.
Councillor Tony Dawson agrees.
“These statements cannot both be true. And, whichever is true, it is more-than-disturbing to have completely different stories coming from the same people about the same issue.”
Ofsted have written recently to John Pugh MP telling him that they never single out individual staff members for criticism in their report process. I have written to Ofsted, to the Education Funding Agency and to the Minister responsible asking them to address these discrepancies and to set a clear deadline to assess whether the measures being attempted locally are sufficient.
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