Budget Car Hire: 6 Essential Tips

21st August 2024

In a world where prices for all kinds of products and services are rising, it is natural for people to seek affordable holidays. Many people turn down the option of a road trip by hire car because they believe it doesn’t match their idea of cheap holidays. However, they are wrong. We know and share 6 essential tips that guarantee budget car hire for everyone, even for drivers looking for large or luxurious vehicles.

Tip 1: Think About What You Want

There is no doubt that the first thing you should do to ensure an ideal car hire experience is to identify the characteristics and features your holiday car must have based on your own needs and preferences. This way, you pay for a car that totally satisfies all your requirements.

Tip 2: Book…NOW!

Once you have nailed down what you want your car to be like, you should start looking for it immediately. Why such a rush? Because the sooner you start your search, the lower prices you’ll find. This is due to demand. Since most people leave the car hire task for the last minute, you will not only have more options available but also find them before the demand rises.

Tip 3: Search Wisely

How are you supposed to book early if you don’t know where to look? We have got you covered. For budget car hire, you just need to compare offers on a special comparison site. On holidaycars.com, you can view airport car hire offers, compare them based on the aforementioned personal criteria, and book your preferred deal online. On digital platforms like this, you see a variety of car hire options at the best prices for the place you’re searching for.

Tip 4: Read the Terms and Conditions

As you may know, many people refuse to spend time reading the terms and conditions of anything. Don’t make that mistake when it comes to budget car hire because in that long text you’ll find actions you should do or not do to avoid extra charges. Look for clauses about mileage limits, additional drivers, and fuel policy.

Tip 5: Be Flexible

By going with the standard car hire booking settings, for example, by not changing the location for pick-up or drop-off and using the car hire company’s services during business hours, there is no reason for an increase in car hire pricing, as happens with personalised services.

Tip 6: Keep Your Eyes on the Car

One of the most notorious car hire rip-offs is being charged for damages on the hire car, even if it’s just a little scratch. You can easily avoid this by taking photos or videos of the vehicle’s condition when you pick it up and ensuring it looks exactly the same when you return it. If you are blamed for damages you didn’t cause, you can prove they pre-existed thanks to your visual evidence.