“Bring back National Service” – Says Birkdale resident

24th January 2017

Photo: Bedford Park this morning, Tuesday 24 January

Bring back the National Service! 

That should be the punishment for the ongoing vandalism of Bedford Park according to frustrated neighbours.

Last night young birch trees were snapped in half and destroyed by four teenagers in Bedford Park despite them only being recently planted.

Now angry neighbours who saw the incident happen say the only suitable punishment is national service.

Nicholas Greene told OTSNews.co.uk “They should send them to boot camp and train them up.

“National service is the only thing that will suit them. It’s abhorrent.”

Another resident, who didnt want to be named because she fears reprisals by the gang, said: “They’re little b*stards and don’t know how lucky they are to have a life like they do.

“Why they waste it going round bashing things up and causing grief to all of us around the area I don’t know!

“We try our best to make the area nice but it’s useless isn’t it?”


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