Big Spring Marine Lake Clean
Southport’s Rubbish Friends donned their orange jackets and came out in force for their annual clean up of the resort’s Marine Lake in time for the Easter visitors.
The volunteers filled a skip with 73 bags, of litter along with countless wheelbarrow and crate loads of rubbish plus half a car bumper, a bed head and a partridge in a pear tree.!
“It was certainly a morning of hard labour,” said Rubbish friend stalwart Lorraine Cookson. “ When we arrived the lake-side was strewn with dog mess and litter but everyone pulled out all the stops. Less than two hours later it was pristine and a sight to be proud of so you could say it was a labour of love.”
“ I really hope that when people see the difference we have made they will think twice about dropping litter and letting their dogs foul the area. ”
Lib Dem Cambridge Ward Councillors, Pat Keith and Sue McGuire, who founded the group, agreed that it was a brilliant job well done, and said: “ Our Rubbish friends volunteers have been active since 2012 and have worked tirelessly since then clearing up grot spots across the town. They really make a difference to the appearance of Southport.”
“If you would like to become a Rubbish friend to Southport please get in touch. We can’t deny its hard work but there’s a great feeling of camaraderie and it’s one way of getting fit without hefty gym fees.
If you would like to be a rubbish friend – please contact:
Pat Keith – 07735005802
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