Benefits Of Sealcoating Asphalt Driveway

16th August 2021

Sealcoat refers to a liquid coating mixture that can be applied to asphalt-based driveways as a part of routine maintenance. As homeowners move into their dream abode, they are mostly concerned about getting the home interiors right. Fixing the driveway doesn’t rank high on their list of priorities and often homeowners question whether it is at all necessary. Keeping such things in mind, we have come up with a list of the inherent benefits of sealcoating for your asphalt driveway:

  • Making The Driveway Look Good

Children play in the driveway during free time and you also keep your cars parked there. This makes it imperative to maintain the overall look and feel of your driveway if you wish to retain the aesthetic value of your house. Asphalt driveways often succumb to fading, cracking, and similar signs of distress. Apart from dampening the appearance of your house, it can also cause accidents. A sealcoat acts as a protective coating over your driveway by keeping it buffered from the sun, water, car fluids, salts, and other damaging chemicals. Sealcoating your driveway can also prevent the growth of weeds so that you don’t have to spend hours cleaning the same. On being fresh applied, the sealcoat looks dark and bold. It can add a dash of vibrancy to your house apart from improving the appearance of both old and new asphalt driveways.

  • Crack Prevention

Chances of pavement cracks heighten with age making this a common feature in old driveways. While buying a house people might think that the driveways look adequately good despite the few cracks and that the previous owner did not seem to mind the issue. But did you know that not taking timely action can cause even the smallest of cracks to widen as water seeps into the base material! This can be prevented by sealcoating your driveway timely as it smoothens out all rough patches and minor cracks. Non-porous nature of sealcoating causes all dirt in your driveway to wash away automatically when it rains.

  • Asphalt Protection

Just like the sun burns our skin with harmful UV rays, did you know that it can wreak havoc to our asphalt driveway! Prolonged sun exposure warps the asphalt and leads to quick fading in color. Surface void pockets allow both gas and oil to penetrate. The condition of your driveway can get worsened by chemical spills from your car. Given such constant threats, sealcoating your driveway becomes a must for preventing these harmful factors. Sealcoating lowers the degree of water absorption for minimizing risks associated with snow and water.

  • Durable & Cost-Effective Choice

Sealcoat becomes more pliable on heating up. This will ensure that the sealcoat will mold to shape rather than cracking at high temperatures. Your asphalt driveway won’t dent under the weight of multiple cars even when you have guests over as the sealcoat extends a band of protection around the same. You can take up sealcoating as a DIY project or hire expert help. Whatever be the choice it is an extremely cheap asphalt maintenance option.

Final Words

Now that you have already made a big investment with your house purchase, it is time to take care of the same. Homeowners usually spend their weekends vacuuming their house and trimming the bushes to keep them looking lovely. But did you know that people will form the first impression of your house by viewing your driveway since it takes up a large share of the front yard! A faded and cracked driveway simply doesn’t match the vibe of polished and clean cars making it an absolute must to sealcoat the driveway. A sealcoat calculator can come to the aid of homeowners by revealing the gallons of sealcoat required against the total square feet space.