BBC Films BREXIT Feature at Birkdale Park Nursing Home, Southport

19th September 2019

Birkdale Park Nursing Home in Southport became the spectacular setting for a special BBC News feature on BREXIT and the affects on the social care sector. Birkdale Park was approached by the BBC due to its high profile across social media and the outstanding work it was doing with its residents and veterans. Jonathan Cunningham MBE and Registered Care Manager said, ‘We were very excited to received the request from Phil McCann political reporter for the BBC who was keen to explore the impact a no-deal BREXIT would have on the sector. They spent a whole morning interviewing our beautiful residents, filming our amazing staff and interviewing me on my concerns as we fast approach 31st Oct. I was delighted with the team. This was the second time news cameras have filmed at Birkdale Park. The last time was ITV in March on the ongoing delay of the social care green paper. So we must be doing something right’.

Birkdale Park was also chosen as Jonathan is the Chair and Founder of the North and South Sefton Care Home Group that represents the independent voice of the social care home sector across Sefton. Jonathan said ‘We recently issued guidance to our members of the group to ensure they are suitably prepared for a BREXIT no deal.’ The advice is ‘Don’t Panic’ – don’t stockpile, and review your own business continuity plan. The North and South Sefton Care Home Group is holding a ‘super conference’ in the Atkinson Centre in Southport on Wed 25th Sep. CQC, Skills for Care and many more will be speaking so all care homes are encouraged to attend.

The political feature is planned to be aired on the BBC on Friday 20th Sep 1800+ and Sunday 22nd Sep at 1000+. Tune in and see another fabulous Southport Care Home look after its lovely residents.

[All permissions were obtained from the residents and staff of those shown in the feature]