Pat Regan

Santa visits the Ainsdale Craft Fayre

Festive fun today at the Methodist Church Hall in Ainsdale. The Ainsdale in Bloom,Village Bloomers and the Asthma + Lung Charity UK both had fundraising stalls at the fayre.   Supporting local businesses.  Photos by Jason Regan  
2nd December 2023

Santa rides through Ainsdale

The Southport Hesketh Round Table Santa and his elves were spotted delighting the crowds in Ainsdale tonight. More:  
27th November 2023

In pictures: Horsing around at the Birkdale fayre

It was chilly start to the Birkdale Fayre yesterday, but visitors received a warm welcome from Merlin the wonderful Shetland Pony. More info   
26th November 2023

Merlin is coming to the Xmas Fayre

This Saturday marks our Xmas fayre at Liverpool Road Methodist Church, (Red Brick) in Birkdale. We open to the public at 2.00pm to 5.00pm, free admission. We have amazing stalls with handmade crafts to
23rd November 2023

Southport’s River Rotten

Drivers could have been forgiven for thinking that the town had sprung a new river, as the flooding problem in Rotten Row persists. Vehicles are still being forced to navigate the flooding. 
22nd November 2023

Latest November Southport Craft Fayre images

Southport Crafts, Arts and Preloved Items Fayre organisers held two fayres this weekend. The first, on Saturday 18th November, was held at St Peter’s Church Hall in Birkdale and the second was
19th November 2023

Two Craft Fayres in Southport this weekend

Southport Crafts, Arts and Preloved Items Fayre in Birkdale and Crossens this coming weekend Southport Crafts, Arts and Preloved Items Fayre organisers are holding their monthly fayre this Saturday at St Peter’s
17th November 2023

Ainsdale Craft Fayre today (4 November 2023).

All kinds of seasonal gifts, etc, were on sale today that were hand-made by skilled local crafters.  A raffle was also held at the fayre by the ‘Ainsdale in Bloom, Village Bloomers’ team.   Support
4th November 2023

In Pictures: More fun at the Fayre

A selection of pictures from yesterday’s craft fayre at the Methodist Church (Red Brick) Hall on Liverpool Road, Birkdale. For additional information and to find out when the next fayre is, please
29th October 2023

In Pictures: Fun at the Fayre today

Today – Saturday October 14th – saw yet another craft and preloved items fayre in Ainsdale The venue was Ainsdale Methodist Church, at 688 Liverpool Road. Support your local businesses…  More: information: 
14th October 2023

New Craft Fayre comes to Birkdale

Southport Crafts, Arts and Preloved Items Fayre   This coming Saturday 23rd September is the first indoor event in our new venue, Liverpool Road Methodist Church  (the Red Brick Church) in Birkdale, Southport, PR8 4PD.   2.00
18th September 2023

In pictures: Southport Classic and Speed Show – 17th September 2023

A celebration of more than a century of motoring history, featuring Southport’s record-breaking motor sporting inheritance.   The popular event took place on Southport’s Victoria Park.  More: Car Detailing Central   
17th September 2023

Disney Dream leaves the Mersey today

The luxurious Disney Dream cruise ship has visited Liverpool as part of her British Isles voyage. The ship is seen here leaving the Mersey Estuary this afternoon. Photos and video were taken
14th September 2023

Air Show Organisation – the Birkdale Fiasco!

The Southport Air Show has been a crackingly good event for many years. However, organisation behind the recent show left a lot to be desired. The scene at Birkdale was chaotic. The
11th September 2023

Southport Air Show 2023: Day 2

Rain clouds threatened yet the day stayed generally dry.  Mud glorious mud and quite deep in places…  And yes – some aircraft even managed to arrive, as planned…   
10th September 2023

‘Last of the Summer Picnics’ event in Ainsdale

Sights and sounds from the ‘Last of the Summer Picnics’ event in Ainsdale, enjoyed on 3 September 2023. Many thanks to everyone who helped behind the scenes to make this fantastic community event possible.  Meanwhile, the Craft Fayre inside the
4th September 2023

Ainsdale Green – join in the fun this Sunday

Latest information for our ‘Last of the Summer Picnics’ event this Sunday Toilets are available from 1.30 pm inside the church hall.  Free teas/coffees are available inside the hall too from 2.00
1st September 2023

Southport Craft Fayre – Spaces Still Available

BANK HOLIDAY STALL SPACES STILL AVAILABLE FOR THIS SUNDAY! ‘Southport Crafts, Arts and Preloved Items Fayre’ organisers are holding a fayre at Haskayne Village Hall this coming Sunday 27th August, 11.00am– 3.00pm.
23rd August 2023

Carnival Pride puts to Sea

Here’s just a quick handheld superzoom clip of the luxury cruise liner, Carnival Pride, leaving the Mersey this afternoon, following its visit to liverpool. Before long, she was on her way into
16th August 2023
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