Ask Elliot win battle of the bands contest

29th April 2019

Southport indie band Ask Elliot waved the flag for Southport when they scooped top prize in a Liverpool music competition in the city’s 02 Academy.

The four lads, all aged 17, beat off 27 other bands when they won the prestigious Liverpool Rocks battle of the bands contest on Saturday night.

“We weren’t sure whether we would win or not, but we are so proud of our songs and fortunately we came first,” explained drummer Liam Shields, a student at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA).

He added: “We played four of our own songs and three covers. We had more than 100 people people there supporting us (the capacity is 500), and honestly the support we get is the best bit about it.

“We really couldn’t have done it without them – but it does help that they do actually like our songs.”

The lads won a cash prize of £750 which they intend to plough back into the band and they’re hoping to record their songs as soon as possible. They also won a slot in this weekend’s Sound City Festival in Liverpool.

Two other members of the band – bassist Archie Rimmer and lead singer Ream Radomes – are also students at LIPA, while lead guitarist Tom Houghton attends Runshaw College.

The band has long been championed by Mighty Radio presenter Frankie Berlin who was delighted by their win, adding: “All their hard work over the years has paid off.”

The lads were the special studio guests on the local community radio station’s Live Sounds show a few days before the Liverpool Rocks final. Presenter Martin Hovden said: “The lads have no ego which is so refreshing these days. But what they do have is tremendous pride in what they do. They’re definitely a band to watch out for in the future – and we all wish them every success.”

And the story behind their name Ask Elliot? “He’s a friend of a friend who we go to when we want a question answered,” explained Liam.

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