Asda Southport hosts a Picnic for Pudsey!

20th July 2018

Asda Southport hosts a Picnic for Pudsey!

Asda Southport Community Champion, Sharon Gregory, hosted a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in aid of BBC Children in Need this week.

The picnic took place at St Phillip’s Primary School, and played host to over 20 children, with plenty going on throughout the day of fundraising, the event included lots of ‘bear-y’ exciting activities, from teddy bear bingo to traditional tombola and even a visit from Pudsey himself.

Asda hosted Teddy Bear’s Picnics across the UK this July in an aid to raise funds and support over 30,000 disadvantaged children in local communities across the UK.  

Sharon Gregory, Community Champion at Asda Southport explains: “I was delighted to host the Teddy’s Bear’s Picnic for BBC Children in Need – it was a fantastic day and it was great to raise awareness and funds for this worthy cause!  

“Asda has been a partner of BBC Children in Need for 18 years, and we’re delighted to do out bit here in Southport to support the cause.  The picnic was the perfect way to kick-start our celebrations!”