Aim for greater impact with new adoption support service

3rd May 2018

Aim for greater impact with new adoption support service

Adoption in Merseyside (AiM) recently commissioned After Adoption to deliver adoption support services across the region.

Recognising the impact adoption has, After Adoption, with over 28 years’ experience of supporting to all parties affected by adoption, will offer a proactive and flexible service.

This will include support for adopted adults seeking to trace their birth families, including search services and counselling, and counselling for adopted adults seeking to access their records post adoption.

It will also provide information, advice and support for birth parents and birth relatives who have had their child adopted – helping them navigate the complexities of the adoption process through a combination of information and advice and face-to-face counselling. This approach aims to help them deal with grief and loss, explore their own life story as part of this, and negotiate and maintain appropriate levels of post adoption contact. For birth parents and relatives who want to reconnect with adopted children who have reached adulthood, there will also be the ability to access search and intermediary services.

Iain Moore, Head of Business Development at After Adoption, commented: “We are passionate about ensuring everyone affected by adoption can access the support they need, so are delighted to have won this contract. We are confident that our expertise in this area will ensure we deliver a high quality service and make a real difference.”

The full list of services to be offered on behalf of the Adoption in Merseyside includes:

Support for adopted adults seeking to trace their birth families
Information, advice and support for birth parents and birth relatives who have had their children adopted
Counselling for those seeking intermediary services
Counselling for those seeking to access their records post adoption
An intermediary service for birth relatives
Access to Letterbox to maintain contact agreements (delivered on behalf of Liverpool by After Adoption and internally for other local authorities).
The service will be available in the geographical area covered by the newly formed Adoption in Merseyside (AiM), a regional adoption agency covering Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton and Wirral.

Jenny Ness, Head of Service for AiM commented: “We are delighted that AiM will be working in partnership with After Adoption. This is a new contract covering the city region and will ensure adopted adult’s, birth parents and birth relatives will receive the advice and support needed with a prompt and empathic approach.”

To find out more or make a referral, call the After Adoption action line on 0800 056 8578 or email