Adams Seaton Day to Day Diary – 22 days missing

31st August 2018

Adams Day to Day Diary – 22 days missing.

Upon the realisation that our lovely son Adam has been missing for 21 days, and feeling like our life has stopped for the past 504 hours and counting, we have realised that we must keep Adam in the forefront of everybody’s mind.

So today we are launching Adams Day to Day Diary. Here we will keep you all updated about our ongoing search for Adam.

We will tell you about how Adams family and friends are coping, and how much they miss him dearly, and we will also help you get to know Adam more.

We would welcome any ideas that you may have to progress our search and keep him in the public eye.

“Some of my fondest memories of Adam are his odd little quirks and mannerisms, like the way he likes to cook food in a quirky way or the times he eats a ready meal, and then once in a blue moon he will cook up an absolute feast for himself out of nowhere”.

Jack (Adams university friend)

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