8 Best Vegan Diets For Gym Lovers

27th May 2024

Many people have begun to follow vegan diets in recent years, citing concerns about animal cruelty and the supposed health benefits as reasons for their decision. Not only the general public but also athletes, particularly bodybuilders, have taken an interest in it. Sometimes, it seems so difficult to build muscles while being a vegetarian. But this is not true most of the time. Most people’s conceptions of a protein-rich diet include an abundance of eggs, whey protein drinks, and chicken breasts.

But being in shape while eating only plant-based meals is not only doable; it is also a fantastic approach to prioritising your health. Also, as a gym lover it’s important to focus on foods to grow glutes

What Is a Vegan Bodybuilding Diet?


Are you a gym lover and planning to build some muscles? Then don’t worry, there are some high-protein foods that you can incorporate into your diet. The aim is to eat foods that are high in nutrients but low in fat so that you can increase muscle and lose fat.

Incorporating these concepts into a vegan bodybuilding diet is a common practice among vegans, who generally abstain from eating any kind of meat or dairy products. A person’s protein intake could be inadequate if they do not prioritise plant-based foods that are rich in protein.

Benefits of Vegan Diet

The secret to good health, regardless of your dietary preferences, is to eat various healthy foods. Two categories of macronutrients, protein and carbs, are particularly important for vegans who want to put on muscle.

Getting enough protein in your diet can help you feel full with fewer calories burned, which is great news for gym rats trying to lose weight—after all, that intense calorie burning can leave you feeling ravenous. Here are some of the benefits of a vegan diet.

  • Helps Burn Calories

If you are trying to get in better shape, you need to eat more protein. Not only does it make you feel full faster, but it also speeds up your metabolism, which means you burn more calories overall.

  • Strengthens Muscle Mass

Consuming plant-based foods regularly can help you build muscle. Building a strong metabolism also requires maintaining a sufficient amount of muscular mass.

  • Muscle Recovery

Protein helps in muscle recovery and growth by preventing muscular atrophy and, in certain cases, even aiding in the process of growing muscles. Building muscle requires a combination of a vegan diet rich in protein, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

What Quantities Should A Gym-Goer Consume Protein?

When it comes to physical fitness, a veg diet for muscle gain is crucial, and proteins play a key role in this case. It is essential to all forms of life. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are essential to our survival. The human body can make 11 of the amino acids on its own, but we must get the other 9 amino acids, known as essentials, from food.

Muscles become stronger and bigger when you train them hard; when you tear them, your body needs the amino acids found in protein to repair them. Rebuilding this is essential since failing to do so causes the body to substitute minerals found in muscle and bone, leading to a loss of muscular mass instead of fat.

Vegan Diet Recommended for Gym Lovers:

Among the many vegan protein options, these are among the most popular and effective:

1.      Tofu

Veganism and high-protein diets both require tofu. Adding it to your diet will help the gym’s mission to boost oestrogen levels in women and encourage the growth of good bacteria in your gut.

2.      Porridge oats

You cannot go wrong with oatmeal as a protein-rich breakfast or post-workout snack. It is simple to mix with other vegan proteins and has around 13 grams of protein per 100 grams. Make your protein supplement by mixing 7 grams of protein-rich soy milk with a tablespoon of peanut butter, a few almonds, and some blueberries.

3.      Pea Protein

One of the greatest sources of sweet-flavoured vegetable protein is pea protein. You can regulate your cholesterol levels, increase your digestive health, and improve your muscle mass by consuming it.

4.      Lentils

There are 18 grammes of protein in only one cup of lentils. Also, it is a good source of carbs and fibre. Studies have shown that eating lentils can help with digestion, raise healthy cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5.      Peanut Butter

Not only is it good for you, but it is also delicious and packed with protein. In 100 grams of peanut butter, you will get around 25 grams of protein. Vegan options abound in the peanut butter realm.

6.      Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast flakes are well-known to vegans. This yeast kind may pass for dry sawdust, but its cheesy taste makes it a good alternative to grated cheese. A spoonful (10 g) of these flakes sprinkled over cooked pasta provides 5 g of plant-based protein.

7.      Chickpeas

One hundred grams of chickpeas provide around fifteen grams of protein. Gym-lovers incorporate chickpeas into their vegan and high-protein meal plans. You can manage your weight, curb your hunger, and keep your blood sugar levels stable by eating it.

8.      Legume and Beans

Many people recommend beans and legumes as suitable alternatives; nonetheless, you should use caution while selecting one. Among the top contenders, you can find 20–25 g of protein per 100 g in beans such as soy, kidney, split pea, mung, lentil, and chickpeas. Beans and legumes are great sources of protein, but they are also high in fibre, which helps cut down on belly fat. For a post-workout snack, try making your bean burgers or eating some steamed edamame.


We have listed the best vegan diets for gym lovers.  Consuming buckwheat or quinoa after an exercise will help your muscles recover more quickly. If you want to bulk up, drink a protein smoothie. You can also include other vegan foods that are high in protein in your gym diet, such as pistachios, broccoli, edamame, Brussels sprouts, etc.