8 Best Home Remedies for Fungal Infections

30th September 2024

Fungal infection is a skin disease that makes the skin look ugly by the formation of discomforting patches and rings. Ayurvedic treatment for fungal infection has proven the most effective measure among patients who experienced this skin condition.

However, before jumping directly to the Ayurvedic perspective and home remedies for fungal infections, let’s understand this skin problem in depth. 

Fungal infection is mainly caused by tiny organisms present in the environment (paryavaran). These organisms are present on our skin most of the time and they eat up the dead skin cells of our body (shareera). When the dead cells are removed, the skin becomes healthier. 

However, this friendly organism on the skin can turn into an enemy if it gets a favorable environment to flourish and increases in number. As we know excess of anything is bad, so when they increase in number, they cause the formation of rings, rashes, or patches on the skin (kshudra vyadhi). So what are the factors that cause this bacteria to attack the body?

Usually, it is both factors – weakness of the body (shareera) and unhygienic external conditions. When the body is weak, these pathogens (bacteria) present in the environment will target the skin and then they will start multiplying which will cause fungal infection. Some of these factors are:

Internal Causes 

  • Weak immune system
  • Dry skin
  • Obesity or overweight 
  • Hormonal changes
  • Diseases like diabetes or thyroid (they reduce immunity)
  • Stressful lifestyle

External Causes

  • Contact with an infected person
  • Pollution around you
  • Usage of used products like a comb, razor, towel etc.
  • A too-warm or too-moist atmosphere
  • Wearing dirty or used clothes
  • Tight clothes wearing

While treating fungal infections, the main aim of an Ayurvedic practitioner is to remove the root cause of the disease (vyadhi) which is mainly the Tridosha imbalance. 

The fungus is treated by taking anti-fungal natural medicines and also by making the body stronger to fight off diseases. Ayurvedic treatment for fungal infection is best for shareera (body) because it focuses on overall well-being. 

Ayurvedic philosophies are based on natural ingredients, so some easy remedies can also be performed at home. However, if the problem is severe then, it is best to consult a vaid or vaidya (Ayurvedic practitioner). 

Some of these home remedies for fungal infection are:

Mustard seed powder and water – Mustard seeds are natural exfoliators which means they are very good at removing dead skin cells and clearing the dirt from the skin. 

Take two tablespoons of mustard seed (methi dana) powder and add a little bit of water to make a thick paste-like mixture. Apply this paste to the affected area and leave it for some time. Let it rest for some time and then wash with lukewarm water. This remedy can be used for 5-7 days continuously for effective results. 

Garlic and honey-  Garlic has various anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties which means it can beat the fungus damaging your body. It can also remove the itching and swelling, from the infected area. Honey is also soothing and repairs the skin tissues from the inside.  

Take a clove of raw garlic and consume it like a medicine or it can be added to a drink or salad and then consumed. One can also make a paste of garlic and honey and then apply it to the part of the skin, where it is infected. Doing it for a few days will bring down the infection and fungus can be removed from the body.  It is one of the best fungal infection ayurvedic treatment. 

Baking soda and water- Baking soda is a basic substance that is very effective for treating skin problems like fungal infections. 

Prepare a paste-like substance by mixing water and baking soda. This paste can be applied to the affected area and then left to dry for some time. After that, wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeating this method for a few days will bring effective changes in the spot of infection.   

Tulsi – It is a holy plant of India and is known to have a lot of medicinal properties. It has been used for many years to treat various kinds of diseases and infections. It is also antifungal. It has immuno-modulatory effects and it makes immunity stronger. 

Take a few basil leaves, boil them in the water and wash off the affected area with this water. 

You can also apply basil oil to the affected area and leave it for some time. 

Boil a few basil leaves in water and add honey to make a herbal tea. Drink this twice a day for a few days. 

Lemongrass- Citrus oils like orange oils or lemongrass oils are loaded with antioxidants. It has a very soothing smell which produces a positive effect on the brain by releasing happy hormones. It leads to better blood circulation in the body and infections begin to reduce.  

Add a few drops of lemon grass oil to the affected area and also add a few drops in lukewarm water and then take a bath. An herbal tea made up of lemon grass is also very effective in removing toxins from the inside. 

Sandalwood- Sandalwood is antibacterial in nature and it has been used for a long time to treat Kshudra Vyadhi or skin diseases. It was also an ancient tradition to apply sandalwood on the forehead as it is cooling in nature. It has various health benefits and promotes both physical and mental health. 

Sandalwood powder can be mixed with lukewarm water and then a paste is prepared, apply this to the affected area and leave it to dry. Then after some time wash this paste with lukewarm water and apply rose water. It will heal your skin.

Aloe vera – It is a very good natural agent that can be used for cleaning the skin. It is widely used for healing any skin issues or infections. 

Make a simple paste of the aloe vera gel and apply it to the skin. You can also add some rose water to the gel and then apply it. Keep this mixture for 15 to 30 minutes on the affected area and then wash it with lukewarm water. Make sure to use organic rose water. 

Coconut oil and Turmeric- Coconut oil is one of the best products for skin care. It is soothing in nature and repairs the damaged cells and tissues on the skin. Turmeric on the other hand is antiseptic and antibacterial along with having healing properties. When combined, they are an excellent remedy for fungal infections. 

Make a paste by mixing coconut oil and turmeric, apply it to the affected area, and keep it for 30 -40 minutes. After that, wash it with lukewarm water. It will repair the damage to the skin and also prevent any scars. Coconut cream fungal infection treatment is also very effective. 

All these are some of the trusted Ayurvedic tricks that have been used for a long time in treating any type of skin issue. However, it is advised that if a person is suffering from any type of infection, then you must consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and choose the remedies according to their skin type. If you are looking for a trusted Ayurvedic hospital, then Dr. Sharda Ayurveda is the best choice as they are well known and trustworthy. Also, they provide both online and offline services.