7 steps to start a business from scratch

24th May 2021

Starting a business can seem complicated and overwhelming for many. There are numerous aspects that you must consider, from developing great ideas to building up the business to how much does a CPA cost for taxes business-wise, and a lot more.

In this article, we cover the 7 crucial steps you need to know when starting a business from scratch.

Assess your entrepreneurial skills

Before getting into details about your business idea, it’s important to understand yourself as a business owner. The premise is to find out if entrepreneurship is really what you want or not.

The process of starting a business requires a great deal of careful examination and thought. Understand your reasons for wanting to start one, your skills, your preferred industry and how much capital you are willing to risk. For instance, if your reason for starting a business is because you got laid off and finding another one has been difficult, this step will help you know your true preference.

Also, conduct a self-assessment to know your strengths and weaknesses. You must be passionate, self-motivated and willing to make sacrifices to endure the long wait as your business matures.

Refine your idea

Once you’ve established your reasons for going into business, you need to develop a business idea.

There are different types of business, manufacturing or service, independent or franchise, online or retail, etc. At this point, you already have an idea in mind based on your assessment.

However, there is a huge difference between a business idea and a great business idea. It is crucial that you explore numerous ideas before choosing the final one.

Conduct market research

After deciding on the business idea that suits your lifestyle, goals, and personal traits, evaluate the idea. This step is more of research and determining if the business idea can turn into a great business.

So, who are your competitors? Who are your customers? Market research helps you address your value proposition, opportunity, competition, and market size.

To successfully conduct market research, you must;

  • Evaluating your target audience to determine the market portion that you can claim.
  • Know your competition. Learn how they do business, attract attention and meet consumer needs. Consider consumer needs that have not been addressed by the competitors.
  • Validate the idea by taking the time to talk to potential customers about your intended concept.

The process can be achieved by researching key people, reading relevant industry magazines and news sites, talking to people in your target industry and performing Google searches.

Develop a business plan

Effective planning is crucial to the success of any business. A business plan is your business’s roadmap. Some of the benefits of a business plan include;

  • Increasing your chances of success
  • Helping you streamline your thoughts and structure your business.
  • Outlining in detail your business’s objectives and what it will take to achieve them.
  • Helping you determine the amount of capital you need to start your business.

Great planning can be the difference between a business that is well-executed and successful and one that fails. By developing a good business plan, you’re able to stay focused on your strategies and goals, organise crucial information about your business, identify potential weaknesses, hire the right employees and communicate your ideas to potential stakeholders more effectively.

Set up your business’s legal structure

One of the initial steps towards making your business a reality is to register it. Before this though, it’s important to understand the various business models available such as partnerships, sole proprietorship, limited liability companies and Corporations.

We recommend seeking help from legal professionals to understand the right business structure to use depending on your specific needs.

Protect your business

Starting and running a business involves taking a lot of risks. As such, it’s important to ensure that it’s protected from unpredictable events.

Before anything else, have the right business life insurance coverage to provide your business with the necessary legal and financial support.

Additionally, look for ways to protect your income for when you cannot work due to an illness, for example. Being self-employed has its upsides and downsides. One major disadvantage is that you are not entitled to employment perks such as maternity leaves, death-in-service and sick pay.

Choosing the right combination of life insurance policies ensures that your business is protected financially and provides a safety net for your dependents.

Continuously promote your business

Establish a strong and effective marketing plan to help promote your business. Building a business in the current digital world requires a strong website and social media following. Social media in particular is an effective way to enhance your brand and understand consumer needs.


The process of starting a business from scratch can be daunting. Indeed, it’s always important to remember that you will face numerous challenges no matter the kind of business you choose. How you handle them and adapt to the ever-changing needs will determine whether or not your business succeeds in the long-term.