7 Reasons for the Growing Popularity of Dental Implants in Dublin & the UK

27th September 2024

Teeth can fall out or be removed due to so many reasons, including periodontal disease, trauma, accidents, poor dental hygiene, an illness and more. Dentists in Ireland and the UK use dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth. Dental implants can help restore biting and chewing functions.

Dental implants are growing in popularity in Dublin and the UK. Why? Because they can enhance functionality, improve appearance, prevent bone loss, improve oral health, and help achieve a natural look. In addition, taking proper care of dental implants can last a lifetime.


Here are 7 reasons for the growing popularity of dental implants in Dublin and the UK:


1. Improve Aesthetics 

Losing multiple teeth or even one tooth can impact your facial appearance. How? Losing teeth can lead to a shorter face, introduction of wrinkles and even lips becoming thin. Your face might look shorter and your lips might appear smaller than they are. You might look older than you are.

Dental implants can help improve your aesthetics. How? They maintain the natural contours of the face, replicate the natural structure of teeth and seamlessly integrate with the jawbone. In fact, a dentist can custom make the visible part of the dental implant to match the size, shape and colour of the existing teeth. They are also widely used in the Uk and Ireland by pet dentists.


2. Prevent Bone Loss

Bone loss usually occurs after tooth extraction. Removing a tooth leaves a large hole in the jaw. Therefore, the healthy bone surrounding the area will deteriorate over time. In addition, the other teeth may shift to move into a gap. That is why many people prefer to get dental implants after tooth extraction.

Dental implants can help prevent bone loss and preserve bone structure. A dentist will directly embed the dental implant into the jawbone. So, the dental implant provides the necessary stimulation to prevent bone loss. Getting a dental implant can help maintain the shape and size of the jaw bone.


3. Natural Look and Feel

Dental implants are the best choice for tooth loss. Do you know why? Because they look and feel like natural teeth. And this is what most people want. A knowledgeable and skilled dentist, for instance, has the skills and tools to create and match the dental to look like natural teeth.

Your dentist will custom make your dental implants to match your neighbouring teeth. The dentist also inserts the dental implant far into the gums for seamless integration. So, dental implants will mirror the shape and size of natural teeth. In fact, it is difficult to distinguish between natural teeth and dental implants.


4. Stable and Durable

Stability and durability are some of the things people consider when looking for tooth replacement options. That is why they are more likely to choose dental implants. Dental implants are one of the most stable and durable tooth replacement options.

Dental implants go directly into the jawbone. So, the bone holds the dental implant in place. And the dental implant fuses with the jawbone for maximum staying power. In addition, natural teeth develop cavities over time. Dental implants, on the other hand, do not develop cavities. That is why they are durable.


5. Low Maintenance

Many people do not like going to the dentist regularly. That is why they choose dental implants. Dental implants do not require special maintenance. Regular maintenance is easy. You just have to brush and floss your teeth normally. You do not even have to remove your dental implants for cleaning.

Also, dental implants do not require root canals or develop cavities. So, frequent repairs or even replacements are not necessary. You might not even replace your dental implants for the rest of your life. However, you still need to practice good oral hygiene to ensure the longevity of your dental implants.


6. Protect Surrounding Teeth

If you lose one tooth, you are more likely to lose one or more of the surrounding teeth. In fact, practising good oral hygiene might not even help. And it is not easy to erase the effects of an open socket. You will need to do something to protect the surrounding teeth.

Many people usually use dental implants to protect the surrounding healthy teeth. Dental implants support the adjacent teeth to prevent further tooth loss. How? A dentist inserts a dental implant to stop the surrounding teeth from moving towards the open space.


7. Improve Quality of Life

There are so many consequences of losing your natural teeth, including difficulty chewing, loss of confidence, periodontal disease, shifting teeth, additional tooth loss, difficulty speaking, and more. That is why losing your teeth can negatively affect your life.

Many people are, therefore, choosing dental implants. Dental implants can improve the quality of life. How? They allow people to speak, eat and smile confidently. In addition, dental implants can reduce the risk of oral health associated with missing teeth, such as tooth decay, periodontal disease, gum disease, and more.



There are so many reasons for the growing popularity of dental implants in Dublin and the UK. Dental implants can help replace missing teeth, prevent bone loss, preserve the natural shape of the face and jaw, restore the ability to chew and preserve the health of the surrounding bone and gums.

However, you still need to choose an experienced and knowledgeable dentist to see if you are a candidate for dental implants. Your dentist can create custom dental implants tailored to your unique needs. And if you want your dental implants to last for a lifetime, you need to practice good oral hygiene and take good care of them.