7 Quick Tips For Making a Big Impression with Billboard Advertising

25th September 2022

Designing a billboard can be quite a change, not least of all because of its size. Unlike business cards or social media ads, billboard designs require a huge level of creativity to be able to attract and hold the attention of potential customers. Here are 7 quick tips for making a big impression with billboard advertising.

  1. Know your product

Before you even start designing, you need to make sure that you know all there is to know about the product. Who are the target audience and what message needs to be delivered to them. Knowing the location is very important, too.

2.Showcase the product itself

Remember that your billboard will only be viewed for a couple of seconds, so you need to make sure that what you’re advertising is clear. There isn’t time to build suspense, so you have to know how to make your billboard one to remember.

3.Know what text to include

You know yourself that you don’t have time to read more than a dozen words of a billboard when passing by, so make sure you use those words to say something that matters. The company name, contact information and catchphrase or slogan are essential, but know that whatever you put in needs to be easy to read and remember.

4.Consider the style of your text

The most important step here is to choose a font that is easy to read and as large as possible. It’s suggested that the most effective size for the name of the product being advertised is at least three feet tall so it can be read clearly.

Be as creative as you can with this step but remember the importance of readability and practicality too.

5.Focus on graphics

It’s extremely common for digital billboards to use graphics to attract attention. Once you know the kind of image you’re going for, make sure it’s big enough to be seen by people who are travelling at speed – especially those images that are more complex and detailed. Easily recognisable images can get away with being smaller but still need to be visible.

6.Don’t forget about colour

Contrasting colours are the simplest and most effective way of drawing attention. Many brands choose to alternate colours and blend their backgrounds to ensure that the text is readable yet creative. It’s important to consider what colours you’re using and to be able to justify why if asked.

7.Simplicity and creativity above all else

As we’ve touched on several times throughout this article, simplicity and creativity are key for gaining the attention of potential customers. By simplifying your design, you’re essentially choosing what’s most important. As a rule, the simpler the design, the easier it’ll be to remember. However, you need to focus on creativity, too.

Remember that creative and unique billboards attract attention, no matter how simple they may look. What’s important is that your billboard stands out and tells customers what they need to know.

As you can see, making a big impression with your billboard advertising doesn’t have to be overly complicated or expensive. With simplicity, efficiency, and personality, you will have the starting blocks to get ahead in your OOH campaign.