6 ways to relax after a tough day at the office

22nd April 2021

At the moment, it is so important to take time at the end of each working day to relax, and take your your mind off of the stresses of modern life and the problems each day brings. Taking time to connect with friends and family members may not always be what you feel like (or may not be even possible), but there are few ways in which we can all have a little time to unwind.

#1 Watch a film

If you’ve been stuck at home during lockdown, you may feel that you have already watched all the films you are ever going to watch in your entire life. Watching a film that either you have never seen before, fell asleep after the first five minutes of last time, or one that you haven’t seen for a very long time can give you a sense of escapism and something else to focus your mind on.

#2 Go for a walk

Walking is a very beneficial pastime. Even just walking around the block can do wonders to break the day up, and different things may catch your eye, especially if you usually drive around the area and rarely walk.

You could take time and go a little further each day or each week to build stamina. You may find taking the fresh air and hearing the birds or the everyday hustle and bustle quite relaxing. If you feel you would like a drive, maybe going into the countryside or along to a beach (as long as it is quite close by) can provide a relaxing walk if the weather is dry (and a much more ‘bracing’ one if it isn’t).

#3 Play some old-school games

Spending some time playing games, whether it be board games or card games, with other members of your family or household, can foster social connections. Or, playing on a computer, or retro console, or even on coffee table arcade machines with others or by yourself can be an excellent way to release tension.

There are so many different games, consoles, and other platforms out on the market today. From the vintage to the modern-day, there is a game for everyone to enjoy. All can give a totally different feel to the end of a stressful day.

#4 Reading (and finishing) a good book

Try sitting in your favourite chair with your feet up or taking up the whole of the sofa in a quiet, cosy room or with a gentle piece of music playing in the background and totally immerse yourself in a good book. Making sure you have a cup of tea or a cold beer, or even a glass of wine, can create a very peaceful and tranquil end to a stressful day.

#5 Cooking a fantastic, cheffy meal

There is nothing better than getting out your cookbook and making your favourite meal for dinner. A good bit of time relaxing with a big glass of wine or herbal tea, the kitchen all to yourself, and the desire to play chef can be a genuinely great feeling, especially as you get to eat your gourmet meal at the end of it. If you are serving it up to other members of the household, you get all the praise as well for your efforts.

#6 Exercising

Whether it is going for a run, a power walk, a bike ride, or doing aerobics or yoga streamed on the internet, or if you’re lucky enough to have your own in-home gym, these are all fantastic ways to get in some exercise. This can be very good for you as it will release the correct endorphins into the brain and relieve stress and anxiety while also keeping you fit and maybe shedding some unwanted pounds. There are plenty of workouts available on the internet if you feel you need to follow someone else’s lead.

If you have room in your home, think about creating an in-home gym – it could be something you may wish to look into as this would be beneficial not only after it is complete but could also boost your home’s value.

A few final thoughts

So, now you’re equipped with a decent list of the things you can do to help you relax after a hard, stressful day at the office: Watching a film, going for a walk, trying your hand at some gaming, reading a good book, doing some yummy cooking, or exercising, perhaps in your home gym.

If you really wanted to, you could combine a couple of these ideas into one fantastically enjoyable evening that could be spent with the family members in your household. There are so many different things to do, but the most important one is to do something to bring a close to the working day and create the start of a relaxing evening.