5P Global Foundation Actively Supports the First World Children’s Day with the Pope

21st June 2024

Children are often the most vulnerable victims of warfare, a message that resonated strongly at the First World Children’s Day with the Pope. The event, held in Rome, gathered 50,000 children from over 100 countries to promote peace and unity. Highlights included a celebration at the Olympic Stadium and a Sunday Eucharistic celebration led by Pope Francis at St. Peter’s Square.


International Symposium at Lumsa University

Preceding the meeting with the Pope, an International Symposium was organized by the 5P Global Foundation and 5P Europe. The symposium brought together delegates from Indonesia, Ukraine, Poland, Italy, and the Middle East to discuss children’s rights and the impact of armed conflicts on young lives. The foundation’s president, Arsjad Rasijd, emphasized their dedication to protecting children from the effects of war and fostering global peace initiatives.

Robert Szustkowski, the 5P Foundation’s Ambassador in Europe, echoed this sentiment, stressing the importance of shielding children from warfare’s ravages and striving for global peace. The symposium concluded with a private audience with Pope Francis, who blessed the efforts to promote intercultural dialogue and peace. Among the attendees were children from Ukraine, Palestine, and Indonesia, alongside key figures from the 5P Foundation.


Principles and Goals of the 5P Foundation

The 5P Global Foundation operates on five core principles: People, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership, and Planet. These principles align with the UN Agenda 2030 guidelines and emphasize sustainable development. Initiated during the G20 summit in Bali, the foundation’s projects aim to involve young people actively in peacebuilding strategies.

Looking ahead, the organizers announced that the next World Children’s Day with the Pope will be held in September 2026. This event aims to become a staple on the international calendar, continuing its mission to unite children of diverse cultures and nationalities in the pursuit of peace and protection of children’s rights worldwide.