52% of UK shoppers purchase from overseas sellers

26th July 2024

Individuals worldwide have started to be more interested in buying internationally, as now it is easier than ever to do this. For example, 52% of UK shoppers prefer to shop from overseas sellers, especially when we are talking about fashion items. This has made brands consider international ecommerce, and to attract consumers, they offer competitive pricing and unique product offerings. Research has shown that most people who shop internationally are younger consumers who are more interested in this kind of purchase. 

In this article, we will explore the habits of UK shoppers and why they prefer to buy overseas. 

What exactly do UK shoppers enjoy buying overseas? 

The top choice for UK shoppers when buying overseas is fashion and accessories items, which account for 70.16% of the total amount of purchases. The reason why Brits prefer to buy their fashion articles internationally is the fact that they can find a wider diversity while also benefiting from better prices. One of the most important factors that determines consumers’ preference for foreign fashion brands is the origin of the country. Quality is another crucial factor that could make someone buy a fashion article, and many consumers want to pay more if this means that their clothing articles will be of better quality. Quality refers to material and craftsmanship, and it is primordial in fashion. 

This is why UK shoppers want to shop internationally for their fashion clothing pieces, as they can opt for a larger variety of products that could have better durability and be more comfortable over the traditional options. 

After fashion articles, UK shoppers buy sporting goods and products for their hobbies. Statistics show that reading is the most popular hobby for UK citizens, followed by cooking, travelling, shopping, the love for pets, video gaming, gardening, and outdoor activities. So, to maximise the chance of having a more pleasant time while practising their hobby, they prefer to buy internationally to find everything they wish. 

As more customers want to buy products from overseas, companies need to offer the possibility of shipping internationally. Luckily, now, enterprises can opt for fulfilment services, which will streamline shipping while also improving inventory management so that companies can focus more on product innovations that will positively impact an organisation’s success. 

Why do UK shoppers prefer to buy from overseas sellers? 

The top reason why UK shoppers buy overseas is that they can get cheaper products than in their country. Price is one of the most important things for consumers worldwide, determining whether they will click on the shop button or not. In most cases, the price of products overseas can be lower than in the UK as they can have cheaper labour or production costs. Additionally, some countries have lower currency exchange rates, making a product more appealing and representing a better option for consumers. So, of course, UK shoppers prefer to buy products overseas if they will save money while still getting the items they need.

Now, because it is so easy to ship internationally, brands have started offering their customers the possibility to buy overseas, especially because there are services made to help them in this process. For example, Monta provides fulfilment services for all the ecommerce brands so they can focus on the other vital parts of their enterprises. In this way, customer satisfaction will increase, which can boost a company’s sales. 

The next factor that makes UK shoppers buy internationally is the ability to find more unique products. People are generally more interested in buying unique goods because they are curious about that particular item or service. In general, younger generations are more drawn to trying unique products than older customers, but this also depends on the gender, age, and cultural background of customers. 

Another factor that makes Brits shop overseas is having access to brands and products they don’t have access to in their country. This is why brands should ensure that they offer their customers the best products and invest in marketing, as individuals want to buy and invest in those products, even though they need to shop internationally. 

Discounts and special offers are the next factors that make UK citizens buy products internationally. Discounts bring a lot of advantages to businesses, as with their help, they can attract more customers, who might also be likely to buy more than usual. If customers are happy with what they have received, businesses can also reach a wider customer base and spread the word about a particular brand, which could bring many benefits and boost sales. 

Do customers have some fears when they shop from overseas sellers? 

Even if customers are more interested in buying products overseas, they still have some fears that can impact their experience. The most common worries are that they will not be able to return the items easily, the quality of the products might not be the best, the products could be fake, and the order will not arrive on time. 

The bottom line

Cross-border ecommerce is flourishing at the moment as more and more brands have started to ship internationally. This has opened the door for more possibilities for customers, who can now buy products and services from everywhere worldwide. The Brits prefer to make international online purchases because of numerous factors, where lower prices, unique products, and access to brands they don’t have in the UK are among the most important ones.

As technology has made online shopping easier than ever, individuals can make purchases even from overseas from the comfort of their homes, which highly improves the shopping experience. 

What’s your opinion about shopping internationally? Do you usually do so?