5 Steps to Starting Up a Charity

12th September 2024

Do you have a cause that you’re proud of? Or maybe you want to add your name or the name of a loved one to a cause that is important to you for some reason. Starting up a charity is an admirable activity that can be life-changing for the cause it helps, and can help you feel like you have an additional purpose to your life.

If you need some assistance with starting up your charity, here are our five top tips for success.

1.      Think of a Unique Name

If you want your charity to stand out from the crowd and attract donations, it’s worth thinking of a name that will help you become memorable to your patrons.

Names that include puns, are named after famous people, will usually be the most memorable, but you also want to make sure that your charity name is meaningful to the original reason you wanted to set it up. Whether this is due to a loved one’s experiences, or your own, or even if you recognised a need for the charity due to a lack of funding or awareness.

2.      Publicise Your Charity with Top Notch Marketing

Your charity will need publicising to generate funds for your chosen cause, so ensuring that your marketing is up to scratch is essential for success.

Experts in SEO like Maratopia will help to formulate a fantastic marketing campaign for your charity with your target audience in mind. Whether you’re focused on campaigns, events or fundraisers, a well formulated marketing strategy can help you get the most out of your website and social media.

3.      Partner Up with Influencers

Influencers can provide a magical formula to your marketing strategy by creating greater awareness of your charity using their large follower count and online presence.

You can also reach out to local MPs, or MPs with a special interest in the topic or issue that your charity addresses. Working with MPs can also help to create new laws as well as relevant legislation and debates in parliament that will likely discuss your charity and the work you’re doing.

If you think that social media influencers can make a difference to your marketing strategy, you can use websites like UpGrow to find and collaborate with influencers that will take your charity to new heights.

4.      Create Clear Goals and Objectives

As a charity, creating clear goals and objectives is the best way to keep you on track for maintaining growth in your fundraising and charity awareness.

You may want to grow your reach by setting goals to attend events with a stall, or visit institutions with a speaker that will talk on behalf of the work you do collectively.

Depending on the nature of your charity, your success might be measured in the amount you can fundraise per year, but it may also be measured as the the demand for your services, how big your reach is, or the depth of your success on social media.

5.      Be Adaptable

As a charity, funds can come and go in line with the strength of the economy. Usually one of the first things that people clamp down on in times of hardship are donations, so anticipating a dry spell for your charity can help you to stay on top.

Ensuring that you have excellent accounting staff taking care of the funds can help to keep you afloat in troublesome times. To find an accountant, you can use unbiased services like Which? to find the best rated accountant in your area.


Do you have any tips for starting up a charity? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!