5 reasons why a commercial hot tub is a smart investment for your business

16th September 2024

Are your guests looking for that one feature that will elevate their stay to something unforgettable? As a business owner in the hospitality industry—whether it’s a holiday park, glamping site, or holiday let—you’re constantly searching for ways to keep guests satisfied and coming back.

Imagine offering a relaxing, luxurious hot tub experience. Guests arriving after a long day can immediately unwind in a warm, bubbling oasis. What if that simple addition could result in higher bookings, glowing reviews, and return visitors? Here’s why installing a commercial hot tub could be the best business decision you make this year.


  • A commercial hot tub boosts guest satisfaction, leading to better reviews and return visits.
  • Energy-efficient models reduce running costs by up to 75%, making them ideal for year-round use.
  • Modern hot tubs are low maintenance, with quick drain systems for fast guest turnover.
  • HSG282 compliance ensures water safety with continuous sanitisation, offering a hygienic experience.
  • A hot tub is a year-round feature, providing warmth in winter and relaxation during summer, making your property attractive in every season.

1. Enhance the guest experience with luxury relaxation

Guests crave comfort and relaxation when they book a holiday, and a commercial hot tub can be the star feature that creates that memorable experience. Offering a hot tub can help guests recharge after a day of exploring or simply enjoy a peaceful moment under the stars.

Modern hot tubs are designed for maximum comfort, with contoured seating that provides ergonomic support. Imagine your guests settling into a hot tub after a long day, the warmth soothing their muscles and the sound of bubbling water creating an ambience of tranquillity. This type of experience transforms an ordinary stay into something special, leading to positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals.

2. Energy-efficient design for lower costs and a greener future

As a business owner, you might wonder if running a hot tub year-round will send your energy bills skyrocketing. The good news is that many hot tubs are built with energy efficiency in mind. In fact, some models are up to 75% cheaper to run compared to standard hot tubs, making them a cost-effective solution.

With high-grade insulation and advanced heating systems, these hot tubs are designed to retain heat longer, reducing the need for frequent reheating. Beyond the cost savings, opting for energy-efficient models allows businesses to actively reduce their environmental impact. By going green, you not only cut down operational costs but also contribute to a more sustainable future, something that eco-conscious guests will appreciate.

Investing in an energy-efficient model ensures happier guests, lower bills, and a more environmentally responsible business.

3. Low maintenance and fast turnaround

Owning a hot tub might sound like a maintenance headache, but today’s hot tubs are built with low-maintenance features to simplify the process. Some models are equipped with rapid drain systems that allow you to empty the tub in just 8 minutes, cutting down the time needed for cleaning between guest check-ins.

Quick cleaning systems, combined with plug-and-play designs, allow for fast turnarounds on changeover days. You won’t spend hours maintaining the hot tub—giving you more time to focus on running your business. With these features, you can confidently offer your guests a clean, safe, and ready-to-use hot tub for every booking.

4. HSG282 compliance for safety and peace of mind

Safety is paramount when offering a hot tub to guests. Ensuring that your hot tub complies with HSG282 guidelines is crucial for maintaining water hygiene and protecting guest health. Modern tubs come equipped with features like inline disinfectant feeders, automatic ozone water purification, and ultra-high flow filtration to maintain crystal-clear water and sanitised conditions.

Adhering to these standards safeguards your guests’ health and safety while protecting your business from potential legal issues. Installing an HSG282-compliant hot tub ensures a clean, safe environment, allowing your guests to relax with peace of mind while you confidently maintain a secure facility.

5. A year-round attraction for all seasons

What could be more inviting than a hot tub on a chilly autumn evening, steam rising as guests soak in the warmth? Or perhaps on a warm summer night, where the cool breeze contrasts perfectly with the bubbling water? A commercial hot tub is a year-round attraction, making your property a desirable destination in any season.

Guests can enjoy the hot tub regardless of the weather, making it a versatile feature that will set your property apart. Whether they’re escaping the winter chill or relaxing after a summer barbecue, a hot tub enhances every season, giving guests yet another reason to choose your property.

Why a commercial hot tub is your key to success

A commercial hot tub offers the perfect combination of luxury, energy efficiency, and low maintenance for any holiday accommodation business. Whether it’s the comfort of relaxation, the benefit of lower running costs, or the peace of mind that comes with HSG282 compliance, a hot tub can elevate your guest experience to the next level.