5 Factors You Should Consider Before Choosing a Medical Translation Company

22nd August 2023

Medical translation requires high-level precision and accuracy. So, you should apply caution when selecting the best medical translation company. Also, never go for a general translation company. Such a company does not have the expertise to translate medical content.

So, what factors do you need to consider before engaging a translation company for your medical content? Eurolingo has identified five considerations to make during the selection process.

Open Communication Channels

You should inquire whether you can reach out to your translation company whenever you want. Such a company should have open communication channels that run 24/7. A company that is not available whenever you need it can delay the translation process. One of the causes of the delay is the multiple revision of the translation process to correct any identified errors.

A translation company with open channels makes it easy to make timely adjustments to the translated content. Such a company can provide regular updates regarding the translation process. This move can help you review the work-in-progress and advise the company accordingly.

Open communication channels ensure that a translation process takes the allocated time. They facilitate the piecemeal translation process required to promote accuracy and precision. Also, the communication channels reduce duplication of work. In return, the translation process takes only the allocated time.

Expertise and Experience

Opt for translation companies that have run for a long time. However, you can consider a new translation company with a proven track record. One way to assess the experience and expertise of a translation company is to check its customer reviews. If you find a lot of negative feedback, the subject translation company is not a good fit.

Alternatively, you can reach out to past clients of a translation company. The move can confirm whether the company under review has high-quality expertise and experience.

Checking the medical expertise of the translators is also crucial before selecting a translation company. A credible translating company cannot shy away from publishing or providing the medical credentials of its translators. If the medical expertise of the translators is not public, consider taking additional steps to confirm the authenticity of the credentials.

Process Details

Firstly, identify companies that undertake the medical translation. Some companies refrain from providing such a service because of its technicality. Secondly, understand how the translation process works. The move enables you to understand the outcomes.

Thirdly, insist on high-quality control to promote accuracy and precision. Lastly, opt for companies that offer regular updates. Companies that allow you to make suggestions or inputs during a translation process are also preferable.


The best company to translate medical content is the one that has a short turnaround time. However, it should not compromise the quality of the outcomes. Getting the translated content on time facilitates a timely review, correction, and adjustment of the translated content. However, medical translation is not an urgent process.


Affordability matters when it comes to the selection of a translating company. However, the cost of the translation process should never be a top priority. The rule of the thumb is to get a translating company that offers high-quality services at an affordable price. Remember, high prices do not translate to a high quality of translated content.

Some companies display their charges on their website and mobile apps. So, you can review several credible translation companies and settle for the most affordable one.

Often, language service providers charge according to the number of words on the source or per hour. However, the medical translation pricing process considers the language pairing difficult, text complexity, medical topics, word count, and timeframe. 

Other considerations include urgency and extra services, including proofreading and formatting. So, medical translation is an expensive exercise.

Tips for Selecting the Best Translation Company for Medical Content

After understanding what to look for in a translation company for medical content, there are extra steps to settle for the best company. The following are some of the tips that can help you choose the best translation company for your medical content:

Take Time

Never rush to select language service providers. The selection process determines the quality of the translated content you will get. So, allocate sufficient time to carry out the necessary selection procedure. If you rush the selection process, you can run into problems that will affect your medical company in the future. Try a document translation service.

Choose a Niche

Select a translation company with subject matter experts. Such experts have in-depth knowledge of the terminologies used in a language pair. So, they will manage to find the appropriate terminology in both the source language and target language.

Identify Your Project Scope

Come up with terms of reference and a scope statement before starting the translation company selection process. The move determines the project boundaries, regulations, requirements, tasks, deliverables, and deadline.

Also, identify the languages that the translated content will assume. Medical content should appear in multiple languages in line with your target audience.

The project scope should also feature a procedure of verifying and approving the translated deliverables. You can opt to collaborate with the translation company to align your procedure with the translating company’s policies.

If you come up with project scope, you guarantee your satisfaction regarding the translated content. Also, you will save money and time and reduce conflicts during the translation process.

Carry a Meticulous Research for Credible Translation Companies

Carry out intensive research for credible language service providers (LSPs). You can check from the internet, ask friends for recommendations, or check for rankings and reviews. This step calls for the application of the considerations discussed earlier.

Ask for Bids

Ask for bids from the identified medical translation company. This move helps you identify the most affordable company that provides high-quality medical translation. Also, asking for bids allows companies to pitch their services. The pitches you receive help in your research work on the best translation company to engage.

You can opt to announce your project on social media, job boards, and online forums. However, announce your project professionally to attract the best translating companies. Afterward, you will receive numerous offers from interested companies.

Expect a Dedicated Project and Account Manager 

A credible company should provide a dedicated project and account manager. Never compete for a project and account manager with other clients. The manager should focus on completing your project exclusively. Such a commitment makes the manager available for you at all times.

So, the translating company should assure you of the manager’s commitment to your project for a specified period. This move guarantees that the translation company will complete the project on time and deliver high-quality deliverables. 

Look for ISO Certification

ISO certification depicts that a translation company has undergone a third-party review to verify its management standards. Most language service providers have the ISO 9001 certification. This certification shows that a translating company has efficient quality management systems (QMS). It also proves that the company runs well-documented processes.

ISO certification is not exclusive to language service providers. It applies to all businesses that operate, plan, and control their processes. Also, the certified businesses adopt continuous QMS improvement.

Confirm Whether the Translation Company Can Localize Your Medical Content

The company you choose should understand your target market. This aspect ensures that the translated content will pass a message in the context that locals in your target market will understand. Localization calls for using words and phrases that align with the understanding of the local community.

Remember, some words have different meanings in different regions. So, the translation company should have native translators. Such translators understand the cultural sensitivities and language nuances of the locals.

Ask for Samples

Ask whether the translating company can provide samples of their past work. This move enables you to have a first-hand check on the quality of the translated content. If the samples have errors, there is a high probability that the outcomes of your translation project will have errors. So, the samples can enable you to check whether the translating company has quality assurance controls.

Confirm Confidentiality

Confirm whether the translating company will keep your information confidential. The company should have a confidentiality policy to prevent its translators from sharing client information with third parties. This tip can apply to information that you are yet to publish. If it gets into third-party hands, there is a risk of plagiarism.

Check the Technical Capabilities

Check whether the company uses user-friendly cloud-based systems. Such systems allow transparency, especially when submitting and archiving documents. The systems also facilitate efficiency in billing and customer interaction.

In other words, a credible translation company should possess automated processes integration (API) capability. Such capabilities promote high-quality service provision.

The Bottom Line

Medical translation is a complex process that requires high-level expertise, accuracy, and precision. For this reason, you should take your time to research the best translation companies. Knowing what to look for in a translating company is fundamental. 

Now that you know the qualities to look for in a translation company for medical content, it is time to make your best selection.