11 year old Southport girl becomes Young Musician of the Year

6th July 2019

An eleven year old Southport girl has won the Southport Young Musician of the Year competition after a glittering final on Friday 5 July, attended by Sefton Mayor Councillor June Burns and Southport MP Damien Moore.

Over 75 people watched as the 13 contestants who made it to the final of the fifth annual Young Musician competition – organised by Trinity Arts and sponsored by Whittakers Schoolwear – wowed them with their performances on piano, trumpet, drums, saxophone, cello, guitar, clarinet and voice. John Bohanna, Area Manager of Whittakers, presented the winners’ cheque, saying, ”It’s been an enjoyable evening with fantastic music but more than anything I praise and admire the bravery of the contestants.”

Winner Xi Xi Jessica Worlock, aged 11, from central Southport, won with her vibrant piece on piano, with 16 year old Thomas Corcoran, from Churchtown, Southport, runner up on voice, and 15 year old Rachael Wells, from Hillside, carrying off Most Promising trophy for her pieces on saxophone and clarinet.

Sefton Mayor Cllr June Burns, who presented the trophies, echoed the audience thoughts, saying “The standard of music was wonderful, and the talent and confidence of the competitors was unbelievable.”

Southport MP Damien Moore added, “The talent and ability of these young people was amazing. They have been absolutely outstanding.”