Homework overload is something every college student is familiar with. Assignments pile up, time runs out, and here come the all-nighters. It is a stressful situation that can be managed and prevented in the future.
Fundamentally, it is an issue of smart time management, prioritization, and having the right resources. If you find yourself struggling with overload often, here are some tips that will help.
Know Your Resources
A lot of time that could be spent on something useful goes to stress and panic searching for useful information. To beat this problem, you need to have all your resources ready at all times.
Have a designated study space with all necessary materials, good lighting, comfortable chair, etc.
Have a list of study sources or platforms. Put research databases on browser bookmarks as well. Do not forget to add any platforms that help with homework, like a credible write my paper service that can come to the rescue when needed. For example, if you forgot about a deadline or simply have no time or energy, you can always order an essay from them and have a little bit of rest.
Even just having such resources on your list will take a lot of pressure from your mind.
Set Up Smart Calendar
There are several options when it comes to calendars:
- smartphone apps;
- Google calendar;
- paper notebook;
- combination of several tools.
Choose what works for you and can be easily accessible at any time. Now, you need to define how long a specific thing takes. Think about studies, chores, work, rest, hobbies, etc.
As soon as you get an assignment, add the deadline to the calendar right away. A great trick is to set a reminder a week or two earlier (depending on the tasks’ volume) to start early.
Track Your Time
There are plenty of apps that help track your time. At first, do it any day just to see where it goes. Be honest and track it as it is. After that, analyze the results. Is there something that was too long or could be cut down? Maybe time spent on social media? Or playing games on the phone? Decide what can be changed in your routine.
Set Priorities
The next essential part of time management is prioritization. It will help choose what to start from and what needs more attention. Write down or type in the tasks you need to do this week. Set different priorities:
- urgent and important;
- important but not urgent;
- urgent but not important;
- neither important nor urgent.
Always start with the first category and move down the list. And if something falls into the last category and you do not have time for it, just cross it out of your to-do list.
Eliminate Distractions
This one is a simple tip; yet, we all tend to forget about it. When studying in session, there should be no distractions. If you have a quiet and peaceful place to do your homework, it is going to be much easier.
Put your smartphone on silent; there is nothing urgent going on Twitter. It is also possible to turn the block on social media on the laptop while you are busy. Do not turn the TV or music on if it is not something you are used to.
Break It Down
When students face huge projects, it can be quite intimidating. Sometimes, one might not know where to start. What is the solution? Break it down into small and bearable tasks.
Let’s take a professional paper writer from WritePaper.com as an example of this technique. Imagine they need to do an essay for you. This project can be simplified to several not so intimidating steps:
- gathering information;
- analysis of the requirements;
- drafting an outline;
- research;
- writing;
- proofreading and editing;
- formatting;
- sending a result.
All of them look quite easy. The same principle applies to any homework you are dealing with. Break it down and tackle the points one by one.
Take Breaks
Intuitively, one might think that working without breaks is more efficient. After all, you do not waste time. In reality, it is not true. Your brain gets tired, cognitive functioning decreases, and you slow down and lose focus.
It is crucial to take regular breaks, for example, a 10-15 minute break for every hour of work. Some use the Pomodoro technique. Choose what works for you.
Cut Down Perfectionism
Perfectionism and procrastination go hand in hand. “If I’m not going to do it flawlessly, why even bother?” – a simplified version of such a mindset.
Do not let it get you. Doing something is always better than waiting for inspiration or perfect circumstances. Maybe your first draft of the essay is terrible; yet, it is done. Now you have something to base your next draft on and learn from mistakes.
Also, avoid negative self-talk and comparing yourself to others.
Reward Yourself
When lacking motivation, create it! Set a reward system for finishing tasks. The larger and harder the thing is, the bigger the reward. And it doesn’t have to be something expensive; maybe your prize is to watch a new episode of your favorite show or go out with friends.
This way, you’ll have something to look forward to and a reason to work faster.
Get Help
There is nothing wrong with asking for help sometimes. You can ask a professor to answer some questions or clarify things. You can work with classmates on a project or get advice from them. And you can always go to a professional service like WritePaper to get expert tips and assistance with any type of homework. It is better to seek help from those who know the answers than sit in frustration and stress avoiding responsibilities.
In Summary
Time management is a crucial skill students have to learn in college. It is a sure way to prevent homework overloads or deal with them efficiently. Always have your organizer and planner around. Keep track of deadlines and set reminders. Set your resources straight, break down the projects into smaller parts, and take regular breaks. And remember that there is always an opportunity to ask for help.
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