10 New Ways to Get a Lot of Likes on TikTok

23rd May 2024

Learning how to get a lot of likes on TikTok is very important if you want to stand out and make a name for yourself. Getting more likes on TikTok will give you more exposure, it will boost your growth and give you access to being featured so others can see you too.

More likes also inspire trust in the eyes of potential followers. However, getting more likes is not a simple thing to do. Your TikTok videos need to be optimized, and you also need to create content that’s appealing. There are obvious challenges that arise when you try to accumulate lots of likes on TikTok.

Here are some of the strategies that you should follow when you create TikTok videos, in order to accumulate more likes!

How to Get a Lot of Likes on TikTok

1) Buy TikTok Likes

If you want to increase the number of TikTok likes for your video, then you should buy TikTok likes. Buying likes is very simple, and they can be added to your account in a staggered manner. You get to choose how many likes you add and when they are added. On top of that, you can also buy likes only for specific videos if you want.

Buy real TikTok Likes from Media Mister, since it provides you with 100% authentic likes, along with a money back guarantee. You also have other advantages, like getting a secure payment, and a very high retention rate. So if you want to ensure you get legit, high quality likes, this is the best place for you to check out!

2) Find Your Target Audience

Aside from that, you also want to understand your target audience. Study your analytics, check the demographics, and see what people are interested in. Even creating a survey here and there or asking your audience about their preferences can help a lot.

These things will help increase your overall number of likes and increase the follower count. Sometimes your audience might expect other things from your videos. It’s ideal to ask them, see what content they like the most and gear towards that type of stuff.

3) Start a Hook to Grab Attention

Some of the best TikTok videos start with a hook that grabs the viewer’s attention. That’s the thing, you want the videos to be engaging, fun and very immersive. If a video seems stale and not that interesting, people move on from it.

That’s the natural reaction that everyone has, so you need to create content that’s compelling and appealing. That will boost the engagement, while also bringing you more likes as well.

4) Use Right Hashtag

Don’t dismiss the use of hashtags. You can get more TikTok likes for your videos solely by using popular hashtags. Check the trending hashtags on the platform and use them. People will browse the hashtags and find your videos that way. It’s a very good method to gain more views for TikTok videos, but also boost engagement and increase the number of likes too.

5) Post at the Best Time

The best time to post on TikTok will vary based on where you live and your audience. In general, during the week you should post in the morning, around 10-11 AM. During the weekend, you can post in the evenings, because that’s when a lot of people will browse TikTok. However, you want to experiment with different posting times. See the results you get, and then post accordingly.

6) Add Popular Music

Using very popular music can also help you generate more likes for your TikTok videos. That’s because some people might search for that specific tune you are using, and they will watch your video that way. It’s a nice approach if you’re looking to capture the attention of a new audience. And the best part is that it works extremely well. Just try to browse the trending section to see what music is trending right now.

7) Leverage Captions

Using captions also helps because these can make it easier to create humorous, fun, and more interesting videos. Not only that but captions can also make the content easier to follow, especially if it’s fast-paced.

You always want to take your time and add a bit more value to the context and people will certainly appreciate all of that. You can see what videos have the most engagement and use that type of caption from there in order to continue the interaction and thus acquire more likes.

8) Make Use of TikTok’s Effects

If you want to go viral on TikTok, one of the best methods you can use is to harness various effects and visuals on the platform. Since a lot of videos can be very similar, adding effects can make your content stand out. In addition, you can attract people who like those effects, and you can keep them as loyal followers. Not to mention, you can get more likes too!

9) Team Up for Duets and Collabs

TikTok videos can thrive when you have collabs and duets. The idea is simple you want to collaborate with others, and thus, you will have 2 communities that blend together. That way, you can acquire more followers and likes.

Not only that, but having access to a larger audience from another TikTok creator might actually help you boost the size of your audience, too. So it’s the best of both worlds for each creator!

10) Stay Updated with Trends

There are all kinds of trends popping up all over TikTok. The best thing that you can do is to monitor those trends and see which are the most appealing ones. In a lot of cases, there are tons of challenges and trends like dances that can help boost your video viewership and like count. If you create content that’s trendy, you are more inclined to get views.


These tips and ideas are great if you want to boost your overall likes and views for TikTok videos. It’s very important to know how to attract an audience and keep them engaged, because that’s what will bring in more likes. Plus, buying likes for TikTok videos can also help boost their exposure as well!